

Certification schemes set specific rules to ensure sustainable practices are followed in steps of feedstock sourcing and production and regulate how compliance is verified in all steps of the supply chain. They also regulate how claims are a communicated to ensure transparency and trust.


Certification schemes set specific rules to ensure these sustainable practices are followed and to verify compliance throughout the supply chain. They also regulate how claims are communicated, and ensure transparency and trust.

Let's Talk

Copenhagen / Denmark
CM Biomass Partners A/S
Sundkrogsgade 11, 2. 2100
Copenhagen / Denmark
+45 3996 5330

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Thank you for your interest in CM Biomass. We are committed to being a reliable partner in your renewable energy journey.
Whether you are a customer seeking biomass solutions or a new supplier interested in collaborating with us, we are here to provide the support and expertise you need.
Please fill out the form and we will respond promptly. We look forward to building a successful partnership with you.

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